6.) Divers will be given full instruction on equipment
handling. Students / Divers will be responsible for any loss or damage to
Crystal Dives Scuba equipment. Lost/damaged equipment will be charged at
trade price.
As a recreational diver I will adhere to the following rules…
• Listen to my instructor or dive leader and
adhere to the safe diving principles with regarding to local marine flora and
fauna before, during and after
TOUCH / REMOVE any marine organisms, shells, rocks etc as souvenirs for any
reason whatsoever
• DO NOT FEED any marine life. This
interferes with their natural feeding habit
• Be aware of my
buoyancy and maintain a reasonable (1 metre) distance whilst swimming over reef
• Many organisms underwater are very fragile and
easily damaged. If you must use the reef / sand for support be sure to do it
gently and KNOW what you can and can’t use for support.
• Be
aware of what my fins are doing and where they are at ALL times.
Larger pelagics that are easy to get close to (Eg: Whale Sharks, Turtles) DO NOT
TOUCH or CHASE. If there is a crowd, please give them some space and if they
approach please try to avoid making contact.
THINK about your body position and stay well off the bottom to protect benthic
(Bottom dwelling) organisms. Try to maintain a slightly head down, feet up
position. Remember you see with your eyes so your feet should be well out of the
• Agree not to wear gloves which are unnecessary
in the warm waters of Koh
Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in an initial warning followed by suspension of diving with Crystal Dive for subsequent breaches of understanding. If you are suspended from diving under these guidelines, NO refunds will be provided under any circumstances.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
Crystal Dive Management/ The Coral Tribe Eco Team